AR 6535: Use of College Equipment

Each employee of the college is responsible for maintaining and securing equipment under their control. Loss of equipment and unauthorized removal of equipment should be reported immediately to the appropriate administrator.

Care and maintenance of equipment may be subject to additional guidance and provisions by the manufacturer. Proper care and maintenance are required to be established and observed by the employees and area manager in the custody of that equipment.

Equipment that is lost or stolen may be replaced upon submission of a request through the appropriate administrative office. The request must include an explanation about the loss or theft of the equipment and a justification that replacement is essential to the activity served.

College equipment shall not be loaned to persons not employed by, volunteering for, or enrolled in the college.

Equipment shall only be removed from campus with proper written authorization(s) by the area administrator, who will also ensure the proper return of the equipment. Employees approved to work remotely should follow appropriate policies and procedures and contact the service desk for assistance with identifying technology equipment needs for a home office. The service desk will provide the appropriate documents to identify any technology equipment leaving the college property.

Approved: 9/5/2023
  • ORS 341.290(4)
  • NWCCU 2020 Standard 2.I.1