MHCC Board of Education Minutes: Session 1108
A meeting of the Mt. Hood Community College District Board of Education was held on August 22, 2024, with an Executive (Closed) Session at 9 a.m., Special Session at 9:45 a.m., and a Board Retreat at 10 a.m., held in the Board Room, Academic Center, Room 2359, at Mt. Hood Community College, 26000 SE Stark Street, Gresham, Oregon, and via Zoom.
Session 1108
1.0 Executive (Closed) Session
The board convened in a closed executive session in accordance with ORS 192.660(2)(i) to review and evaluate the job performance of a chief executive officer, other officers, employees, and staff, if the person whose performance is being reviewed and evaluated does not request an open hearing.
Members present: Diane McKeel, board chair, Andrew Speer, board vice chair, Annette Mattson, Diane Noriega, Marie Teune, ShaToyia Bentley
Members Absent: Dana Stroud
Additional Attendees: None
Chair Diane McKeel called the executive closed session to order 9:12 a.m.
2.0 President's Evaluation
The board discussed and prepared the President’s evaluation.
3.0 Adjourn Executive (Closed) Session
The executive session was adjourned at 10:02 a.m.
4.0 Special Session/ Call to Order
Members present: Andrew Speer, board chair, Diane McKeel, board vice chair, Annette Mattson, Diane Noriega, Marie Teune, ShaToyia Bentley, Dana Stroud
Members Absent: None
Additional Attendees: Dr. Skari, president, Jennifer DeMent, vice president, Finance and Administration.
Chair Diane McKeel called the special session to order at 10:11 a.m.
5.0 Board Policies 3430, 3433, 3540 First Reading
Jennifer DeMent presented the first reading of Board Policies 3430, 3433, and 3540 to the board. The policies will be moved forward for a second reading at the next board work session meeting, September 4, 2024.
6.0 Adjourn Special Session
The special session was adjourned at 10:24 a.m.
7.0 Board Retreat/ Call to Order
Members present: Andrew Speer, board chair, Diane McKeel, board vice chair, Annette Mattson, Diane Noriega, Marie Teune, ShaToyia Bentley, Dana Stroud
Members Absent: None
Additional Attendees: Dr. Skari, president, Sergey Shepelov, associate vice president, Data, Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness, Traci Simmons, associate vice president, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Mary Spilde, consultant and executive coach, IonaSkye Consulting.
Chair Diane McKeel called the board retreat to order at 10:25 a.m.
8.1 Board Development
Mary Spilde, a Consultant & Executive Coach with IonaSkye Consulting provided a board development training to current board members focusing on: Board Roles and Responsibilities, Board and President Relations, Communication Protocols, and Planning for Future Board Development. This work will continue at the September 4, 2024 board work session.
- Annual Ethics Affirmation - Board members reviewed and signed the MHCC Ethical Code of Conduct document for 2024 2025.
- Board Committees - Board members reviewed and discussed the list of board committees and board liaison roles for 2024-2025 and volunteered for the various positions.
- Board Houskeeping - The board conducted their annual review of board processes and procedures to include reviewing recent formatting updates to board agendas, minutes, and web pages, and a change in distribution procedures for the board packet. There was also a discussion about the desired content and frequency of division written reports to the board, MHCC mileage reimbursement policies and procedures, and board member iPad usage and needs for the future.
8.3 Board Review
The board reviewed the Board Self Evaluation Summary and Self Evaluation Raw Data for 2023-2024 and will further discuss at the next board work session in September.
Chair Diane McKeel acknowledged the loss of Jonathan Brenner, former MHCC groundskeeper.
8.4 Strategic Planning Annual Report
Sergey Shepelov provided an annual report on the Strategic Plan and four Key Performance Indicators (KPI) status dashboards (can be found at: New accreditation standards have been implemented that impact this work which was discussed. Shepelov provided a refresher on how to view high-level and low-level (through a filter panel) information from the dashboards, depending on the users’ objectives and goals, in order to take a deeper look at student success data. Shepelov responded to questions from the board regarding the dashboards and details of the KPI’s.
8.5 Equity Scorecard Preview
Traci Simmons presented the first draft of the new Equity Scorecard going over key aspects and giving the board an opportunity to review, ask questions, and provide feedback. In addition, the scorecard is being reviewed by other areas of the college and will be discussed more in depth at the coming board work session September 4, 2024. Simmons stated this will also be presented to college staff at Fall In-Service.
9.0 Adjournment
There being no further business, Chair Diane McKeel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 1:58 p.m.
Prepared by:Roxanne Richardson, Board Executive Assistant
Minutes approved on 9/18/2024 - RR