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MHCC Board of Education Minutes: Session 1114

A meeting of the Mt. Hood Community College District Board of Education was held on December 4, 2024, with a Board Work Session at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room, Academic Center, Room 2360, at Mt. Hood Community College, 26000 SE Stark Street, Gresham, Oregon, and via Zoom.

Session 1114

1.0 Convene Regular Session / Call to Order / Declaration of Quorum

Members Present: Diane McKeel, board chair, Andrew Speer, board vice chair, Annette Mattson, Diane Noriega, Dana Stroud, Marie Teune, ShaToyia Bentley
Members Absent: None
College Representatives: Lisa Skari, president, Roxanne Richardson, board executive assistant, Jennifer Justus, recruitment manager, Human Resources, Terry Rogers, associate vice president, Human Resources
Additional Attendees: None

Prior to the meeting beginning, Chair Diane McKeel, took a moment to acknowledge the passing of Linda Yoshida, recognizing them and the rest of the Yoshida family for their commitment and contributions to college.

Chair Diane McKeel called the work session to order at 6:07 p.m. and declared a quorum was present.

2.0 Business/ Action

2.1 Employee Diversity Recap/ Recruitment Refresh Update
Terry Rogers and Jennifer Justus provided an update on this project that was started in May 2023. They went over project goals, objectives, community college involvement, phases, deliverables, progress to date, and next steps.

2.2 Board Student Town Hall Discussion
The Board discussed the format of their existing Board Student Town Hall event and strategized new ideas on how to make the event less formal and more inclusive, to allow for more student feedback and intentionality, for the gathering. The Board Student Town Hall will take place Wednesday, February 5, 2025, from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

2.3 Winter Board Retreat Scheduling
The Board discussed the winter board retreat and scheduled the event for Friday, February 21, 2025, from 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

2.4 Board Chatbot
Dana Stroud presented a board Chatbot that they have been developing for board consideration and use in the future and showed a demo of the tool. Board members asked questions and the Chatbot will be distributed to board members to test via email.

2.5 Bond Update
President Skari provided an update on bond activities sharing a timeline that included:
  • December 11, 2024 Board Regular Meeting – Bond draft package first reading
  • January 6th – 8th – Second round of polling by Patinkin Research Group
  • January 13, 2025 Board Work Session – Review poll results
  • January 15, 2025 Board Regular Meeting – Bond second reading and board action to move/ not move to ballot measure

Vice Chair Andrew Speer followed by discussing the bond Political Action Committee (PAC) and the status of the formation of this group, and future meeting plans, activities, and goals of the group. Chair Diane McKeel, discussed community Engagement work related to the bond and opportunities for the board to engage during the coming holidays and beyond, also asking for volunteers.

2.6 Board Guiding Principles and Working Agreements Work
The Board took a look at their Board of Education Agreements and Guiding Principles and discussed possible revisions and ways to approach a new strategy for these. President Skari plans to organize board member feedback into three categories to include, policy, practice, and behavior and create a draft based on these principal categories. Board members will be sent a draft for feedback, that will allow for further work on this project at a future board meeting.

2.7 Other Business
Chair Diane McKeel announced that a special board work session has been added to the board calendar on January 13, 2025, consensus from all was to have this online, and they encouraged all board members to be at the coming board regular meeting December 11, 2025 for the bond draft package first reading. Chair Diane McKeel also asked if the Community Engagement Committee had an update, but the committee said they have not scheduled a meeting yet and will work on this.

Board Executive Assistant, Roxanne Richardson discussed flight options with board members for the coming Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) National Legislative Summit February 2025 and shared that the Board has been asked, by the MHCC Brand Marketing and Communications Department, for volunteers for focus group interviews, hosted by GradComm, to gather valuable insights into the community’s perception and awareness of the college and passed around a sign-up sheet for those interested in participating.

3.0 Adjournment

There being no further business, Chair Diane McKeel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.

Prepared by:
Roxanne Richardson, Board Executive Assistant
Minutes approved on Jan. 15, 2025 - RR

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