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MHCC Board of Education Minutes: Session 1115

A meeting of the Mt. Hood Community College District Board of Education was held on December 11, 2024, with a Regular Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m., held in the Board Room, Academic Center, Room 2360, at Mt. Hood Community College, 26000 SE Stark Street, Gresham, Oregon, and via Zoom.

Session 1115

1.0 Convene Regular Session / Call to Order / Declaration of Quorum

Members Present: Diane McKeel, board chair, Andrew Speer, board vice chair, Diane Noriega, Marie Teune, ShaToyia Bentley, Annette Mattson
Members Absent: Dana Stroud
College Representatives: Dr. Skari, president, Roxanne Richardson, board executive assistant, Tina Redd, vice president, Instruction, John Hamblin, vice president, Student Development, Jennifer DeMent, vice president, Finance and Administration, Jennifer Boehmer, vice president, Advancement and Community Engagement, Michael Flores, Classified Education Association (CEA) President, John Hasegawa, Full Time Faculty Association (FTFA) President, Marilyn Pitts, Part Time Faculty and Tutors Association (PFTA) President, Peyton Hull, president, ASMHCC, Daniel Wenger, dean, Health Professions, Kristin Lima, dean, Applied Technology, Business and Information Systems, Kristin Kjensrud, program and director, Physical Therapy Assistant, Mellie Hock, director Clinical Education Physical Therapy Assistant, Valorie Gilbert, instructor and faculty advisor, Industrial Technologies & Apprenticeship
Additional Attendees: Jeremy Wright, president, Wright Public Affairs

Chair Diane McKeel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and declared a quorum was present.

1.1 Approval of Agenda
Chair Diane McKeel called for a motion to approve the December 11, 2024 agenda. Diane Noriega motioned to approve the agenda and Vice Chair Andrew Speer seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote:
  • Andrew Speer – Yes
  • Diane McKeel – Yes
  • Marie Teune – Yes
  • Diane Noriega – Yes
  • ShaToyia Bentley – Yes
  • Annette Mattson – Yes

2.0 Public Input

There was no public comment.

3.0 Reports

3.1 Correspondence
There was no correspondence.

3.2 Bond First Reading
Jennifer Boehmer provided an update on the bond, sharing an overview of where things are now, what has been learned, and what is next. The presentation included key messaging to focus on, a comprehensive timeline, and what needs to happen between now and the May 2025 election. Jennifer DeMent presented the first reading of the draft resolution for the bond, which will be an action item for board review and potential approval, at the January 15, 2025 regular board meeting, and answered follow up questions from board members.

3.3 Community Engagement Plan Update
Jennifer Boehmer reviewed the community engagement plan that was presented last year to the Board by Al Sigala, who has since retired, and discussed their assessment of the plan, efforts to date, and strategies going forward.

4.0 Business/ Action

4.1 Consent Agenda:  Approvals & Information                                            
  • Minutes – Board Executive & Regular Session 1110, September 18, 2024 – Amended
  • Minutes – Board Work Session 1111, October 2, 2024 – Amended
  • Minutes – Board Work Session 1112, October 16, 2024 – Amended
  • Minutes – Board Executive & Regular Session 1113, November 20, 2024
  • Monthly Personnel Report
  • Monthly Financial Report
  • Monthly Head Start Report
  • Consideration of Acceptance and Expenditure of Projects Funded In Whole or Partially by Non-District Funds

Chair Diane McKeel called for a motion to approve the December 11, 2024 consent agenda.        Vice Chair Andrew Speer motioned to approve the agenda and Diane Noriega seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote:

  • Andrew Speer – Yes
  • Diane McKeel – Yes
  • Marie Teune – Yes
  • Diane Noriega – Yes
  • ShaToyia Bentley – Yes
  • Annette Mattson – Yes

4.2 New Degrees Approval
Tina Redd presented two new MHCC certificate programs, including a Physical Therapist Aide Certificate and Advanced Welding Certificate, for approval by the Board. To begin, Daniel Wenger, the Dean of Health Professions, along with Kristin Kjensrud, program faculty and director, and Mellie Hock, program faculty and clinical coordinator, for the Physical Therapy Assistant program, shared an overview of the proposed Physical Therapist Aide certificate program. Next, Kristin Lima, the Dean of Applied Technology, Business and Information Systems, and Valorie Gilbert instructor and faculty advisor, for the Integrated Metals/ Welding Technology Program, shared an overview of the proposed Advanced Welding Certificate program. Both certificate programs were discussed in depth, including the work involved to bring them forth for approval, and questions were answered from the board to help assist in understanding for the approval.

Chair Diane McKeel called for a motion to approve the two new certificate programs outlined above. Annette Mattson motioned to approve the new certificate programs and Diane Noriega seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote:
  • Andrew Speer – Yes
  • Diane McKeel – Yes
  • Marie Teune – Absent from vote
  • Diane Noriega – Yes
  • ShaToyia Bentley – Abstain
  • Annette Mattson – Yes

5.0 Board Member and Committee/ Liaison Reports

Board members discussed and provided feedback on the next month’s work session and regular board meeting agendas for January 2025 and they shared their reports of board committee and liaison activity since the last board meeting. 

6.0 Closing Reports

6.1 ASMHCC Representative
Peyton Hull (ASMHCC President) – Hull highlighted several events and exciting things happening in their area including a destress event for students held during finals week, that Barney’s pantry has served 2,046 households between September and November, and 540 households between November and early December, and that they will be moving into their new larger space in the Equity and Community Resource Center on November 18, 2024. In addition, ASMHCC is holding a team building retreat on December 20, 2024 to review team goals and expectations and welcome new members and their new advisor.

6.2 Advisory Representatives
John Hasegawa (FTFA) – Hasegawa shared that full-time faculty are working with the newly purchased Grading for Equity book and are trying to make arrangements for the author of the book to come to MHCC and speak. Hasegawa also passed out a calendar to each board member from the Equal Justice Institute.
Michael Flores (CEA) – Flores shared that the MHCC Human Resources Department has been doing a great job of continuing the work of Paul Wild, a recent retiree, especially in terms of new hires and their welcome. Flores also discussed that they are concerned about the MHCC Marketing Department, due to the unfulfillment of two open positions in the department, and the workload and possibilities of work being contracted out due to this. Flores also highlighted that the CEA adopts a family each year for the Something Wonderful Program and will again this year; Amy Salsbery and four other classified employees adopted a family of five providing new clothing and toys, basic household needs, gas, and groceries that will be delivered tomorrow. The family is connected to this program through the MHCC Head Start Program.
Marilyn Pitts (PTFA) – Pitts shared share some highlights from the PTFA including that they held the first PTFA office in person open house, since the pandemic, where they had refreshments, pens with contact information on them, copies of the PTFA contract, and a flyer with important PTFA information for part time faculty.

6.3 Executive Leadership
John Hamblin (Student Development) – Hamblin had no additional updates to report.
Tina Redd (Instruction) – Redd had no additional updates to report.
Jennifer DeMent (Administrative Services) – DeMent had no additional updates to report.
Jennifer Boehmer (Advancement and Community Engagement) – Boehmer had no additional updates to report.

6.4 President’s Report
President Skari provided their President’s Report to the board beginning by thanking the board for their approval of the two new certificates for instruction presented, during section 4.2 of the meeting, and apologized for not getting background information for these to the Board in advance for consideration, but will make sure this happens going forward for any new academic programs. Next, President Skari shared that the Governor’s budget is coming in at 6.9%, which is a reduction in revenue going forward as the college asked for 13%, therefore there is a need to advocate to try and get the cap increased. President Skari highlighted that student government will be hosting a legislative breakfast, January 8, 2024, and the evening before will be the ribbon cutting for the Equity and Community Resource Center, followed by the Abigail court opening later that week. In closing, President Skari reported that for enrollment the college is sitting up a total of 7% for the year and being at the halfway point in the year, this is positive, and there are expectations that this trend will continue into winter and spring terms of 2025.

7.0 Adjournment

There being no further business, Chair Diane McKeel called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Vice Chair Andrew Speer motioned to adjourn. ShaToyia Bentley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m.

Prepared by:
Roxanne Richardson, Board Executive Assistant
Minutes approved on Jan. 15, 2025 - RR

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