Students walking outside on campus

MHCC Board of Education Minutes: Session 1107

A meeting of the Mt. Hood Community College District Board of Education was held on July 17, 2024, with a Regular Board meeting at 6:30 p.m., held in the Board Room, Academic Center, Room 2359, at Mt. Hood Community College, 26000 SE Stark Street, Gresham, Oregon, and via Zoom.

Session 1107 

1.0 Convene Regular Session / Call to Order / Declaration of Quorum

Members Present: Andrew Speer, board chair, Diane McKeel, board vice chair, Diane Noriega, Annette Mattson, Marie Teune, Dana Stroud, ShaToyia Bentley
Members Absent: None
College Representatives: Dr. Skari, president, Peter Szucs, interim vice president, Instruction, John Hamblin, vice president, Student Development, John Hasegawa, Full Time Faculty Association (FTFA) President, Marilyn Pitts, Part Time Faculty Association (PFTA) President, Michael Flores, Classified Education Association (CEA) President, Charles George, Associate Vice President, Facilities, Risk Management, and Public Safety, Megan Nugent, Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communications
Additional Attendees: Jeremy Wright, president, Wright Public Affairs

Chair Andrew Speer called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. and declared a quorum was present.

1.1       Approval of Agenda
Chair Andrew Speer called for a motion to approve the July 17, 2024 agenda. Dana Stroud motioned to approve the agenda and Marie Teune seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote:

  • Andrew Speer, Yes               
  • Annette Mattson, Yes                      
  • Dana Stroud, Yes
  • Diane McKeel, Yes               
  • Marie Teune, Yes
  • Diane Noriega, Yes               
  • ShaToyia Bentley, Yes

2.0 Election of Officers

2.1 Election of Board Chair for 2024-2025
Chair Andrew Speer called for nominations for board chair for 2024-2025. Chair Speer nominated Diane McKeel and Dana Stroud seconded the nomination. Chair Speer called for affirmation to approve the nomination. The motion carried by the following vote:

  • Andrew Speer, Yes               
  • Annette Mattson, Yes                      
  • Dana Stroud, Yes
  • Diane McKeel, Yes               
  • Marie Teune, Yes
  • Diane Noriega, Yes               
  • ShaToyia Bentley, Yes

2.2 Election of Board Vice Chair for 2024-2025
Chair Diane McKeel, called for nominations for board vice chair for 2024-2025. Chair McKeel nominated Andrew Speer and Marie Teune seconded the nomination. Chair McKeel called for affirmation to approve the nomination. The motion carried by the following vote:

  • Andrew Speer, Yes               
  • Annette Mattson, Yes                      
  • Dana Stroud, Yes
  • Diane McKeel, Yes               
  • Marie Teune, Yes
  • Diane Noriega, Yes               
  • ShaToyia Bentley, Yes

3.0 Public Input

There was public comment provided by:
Liz Heckathorn, MHCC Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program – online 

4.0 Reports

4.1 Correspondence
President Skari introduced the new Vice President of Instruction, Tina Redd, and shared that  the college received a letter from National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense, solidifying MHCC as being a center of excellence, and validating the current Cyber Security program through 2029.

5.0 Business / Action

5.1 Consent Agenda:  Approvals & Information                                           
  • Minutes – Board Regular Session 1105, June 12, 2024
  • Monthly Personnel Report
  • Monthly Financial Report
  • Monthly Head Start Report
  • Approve Board Calendar for 2024-2025
  • Approve 2026 – 2027 Academic Calendar
  • Resolution to Appoint Budget Officer for 2025-2026 Budget
  • Resolution to Approve Budget Calendar for 2025-2026 Budget
  • Approval to Utilize Goods and/or Service Contracts in Excess of $150,000
  • Approval of Head Start Budget Modification

Chair Diane McKeel called for a motion to approve the July 17, 2024 consent agenda. Annette Mattson motioned to approve the agenda and Andrew Speer seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote:

  • Andrew Speer, Yes               
  • Annette Mattson, Yes                      
  • Dana Stroud, Yes
  • Diane McKeel, Yes               
  • Marie Teune, Yes
  • Diane Noriega, Yes               
  • ShaToyia Bentley, Yes

5.2 Adoption of 2024 Facilities Plan Report
Charles George provided a brief overview of how the college reached the adoption of the 2024 Facilities Plan Report and provided an opportunity for final comments. Having received no feedback, the item went forth for a board vote. Chair Diane McKeel called for a motion to approve the adoption of the 2024 Facilities Plan Report. Andrew Speer motioned to approve the adoption of the report and Dana Stroud seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote:       

  • Andrew Speer, Yes               
  • Annette Mattson, Yes                      
  • Dana Stroud, Yes
  • Diane McKeel, Yes               
  • Marie Teune, Yes
  • Diane Noriega, Yes               
  • ShaToyia Bentley, Yes

5.3 Bond 2nd Reading
Chair Diane McKeel shared that the proposed bond initiative targeting the November 2024 election, that went before the board June 12, 2024 for a 1st reading, will be postponed to the May 2025 election, based on additional information and recommendation received from the college’s bond consultant, Jeremy Wright, at the July 10, 2024 Work Session. Wright provided the board with a high-level look at key activities between now and the May 2025 election.

5.4 Board Policy 6180 2nd Reading
The board conducted a second reading of Board Policy 6180 in support of moving the policy forward for rescinding. Having received no additional public comments, the item went forth for a board vote. Chair Diane McKeel called for a motion to approve the recension of Board Policy 6180. Andrew Speer motioned to approve the recension of the policy and Dana Stroud seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote:

  • Andrew Speer, Yes               
  • Annette Mattson, Yes                      
  • Dana Stroud, Yes
  • Diane McKeel, Yes               
  • Marie Teune, Yes
  • Diane Noriega, Yes               
  • ShaToyia Bentley, Yes 

5.5 Letter of Support  - OSBA LGBTQ+ Caucus
Dana Stroud, at the July 10, 2024 Work session, proposed the board providing a letter in support of the Oregon School Board Association (OSBA) forming a LBGTQ+ Caucus. Board members were sent a draft of the letter by email for review and had an opportunity to provide comment. Having received no feedback, the item went forth for a board vote. Chair Diane McKeel called for a motion to approve the Letter in support of the forming of a OSBA LGBTQ+ Caucus. Annette Mattson motioned to approve the letter and ShaToyia Bentley seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote:

  • Andrew Speer, Yes               
  • Annette Mattson, Yes                      
  • Dana Stroud, Yes
  • Diane McKeel, Yes               
  • Marie Teune, Yes
  • Diane Noriega, Yes               
  • ShaToyia Bentley, Yes

6.0 Board Member and Committee/ Liaison Reports

Board members shared their report of board committee and liaison activity since the last board meeting. 

7.0 Closing Reports

7.1 ASMHCC Representative
Dante Sciarratta (ASMHCC Vice President) – There was no report.

7.2 Advisory Representatives
John Hasegawa (FTFA) – Hasegawa attended the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) and has some new ideas on how to support Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Color (BIPOC) faculty.

Michael Flores (CEA) – Flores shared that on July 1, 2024, the Classified Employees Association (CEA) welcomed 31 childcare employees into their union and that the CEA continues to bargain and make strides and hope to settle their contract soon.

Marilyn Pitts (PTFA) – Pitts communicated that the Part Time Tutor & Faculty Association (PTFA) leadership wants the board and Dr. Skari to know they are interested in assisting in developing contacts to support bond efforts.

7.3 Executive Leadership
John Hamblin (Student Development) – There were no additional updates to report.
Peter Szucs (Instruction) – Szucs, the current interim vice president, welcomed the new Vice President for Instruction, Tina Redd, and highlighted events happening in the Health and Physical (HPE) department and on campus to include the Highland Games and summer camps. 

Jennifer DeMent (Administrative Services) – Did not attend.

Megan Nugent (College Advancement) – Nugent provided highlights from marketing, including an interview with Donna Ryan, MHCC’s Aquatics Manager, broadcasted on Hello Rose City, about the pool and the impact it has on the community and a visit by KGW to do a segment on the Junior Olympics.

7.4 President’s Report
President Skari provided their President’s Report to the board adding clarifying information on the EMS program, stating that the program has been paused, not cancelled, due to recommendations that came out of the recent accreditation visit November 2023; updates to the program are included in the proposed bond for May 2025. President Skari also discussed new Title IX requirements for board policies that are requiring update and need to be in place August 1, 2024, the new Vice President for College Advancement, Jennifer Boehmer, who is starting the first week of August, and that full-time equivalent enrollment is up 7.3% for summer and for fall enrollment sits at about 6%. 

8.0 Adjournment                                                                                                                            

There being no further business, Chair Diane McKeel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m.

Prepared by:
Roxanne Richardson, Board Executive Assistant
Minutes approved on 9/18/2024 - RR



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