MHCC Board of Education Minutes: Session 1109
A meeting of the Mt. Hood Community College District Board of Education was held on September 4, 2024, with a Board Work Session at 6:00 p.m., in the Board Room, Academic Center, Room 2359, at Mt. Hood Community College, 26000 SE Stark Street, Gresham, Oregon, and via Zoom.
Session 1109
1.0 Convene Regular Session / Call to Order / Declaration of Quorum
Members Present: Andrew Speer, board chair, Diane McKeel, board vice chair, Annette Mattson, Diane Noriega, Marie Teune, ShaToyia Bentley, Dana Stroud
Members Absent: None
College Representatives: Lisa Skari, president, Roxanne Richardson, board executive assistant, Traci Simmons, associate vice president, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Additional Attendees: None
Chair Diane McKeel called the work session to order at 6:02 p.m. and declared a quorum was present.
2.0 Business/ Action
2.1 Board Policy 3430, 3433, 3540 Second Reading
The Board conducted a second reading of Board Policies 3430, 3433, and 3540. Having received no additional public comments, the policies went forth for a board vote. Chair Diane McKeel called for a motion to approve Board Policies 3430, 3433, and 3540. Annette Mattson motioned to approve the board policies and Marie Teune seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote:
- Speer – Yes
- Mattson – Yes
- Stroud – Yes
- McKeel – Yes
- Teune – Yes
- Noriega – Yes
- Bentley – Yes
2.2 Board Retreat Review
President Skari and the Board reviewed items that developed from the board retreat August 2024. During the retreat the Board examined results from the board self-evaluation from 2023-2024 and followed up at this meeting with an in-depth discussion on areas that had improved, areas where there are opportunities for improvement, and priorities and areas/ protocols for focus going forward. There was also discussion about board development, individually and as a group, and intentional ways to connect with the community as a board. Current board working agreements and guiding principles were also reviewed, and a board members will be given an opportunity to provide feedback on these, for later work at a future board work session.
2.3 Equity Scorecard Discussion
Traci Simmons provided a follow-up discussion on the new Equity Scorecard from the board retreat August 2024, adding supplementary context and leading an exercise on looking at data and identifying ways the Board can use their voice to use the tool to insight change. In closing, Traci Simmons sought feedback from the board on how they want to be informed of these efforts going forward.
2.4 Bond Community Engagement Planning
Chair Diane McKeel led a discussion on future board community engagement planning for the bond and the need to identify and add new events for the fall. Board members discussed possible opportunities to connect with the community. Chair Diane McKeel encouraged all to think of events and share with board executive assistant for coordination.
2.5 In-Service Overview
President Skari provided an overview of 2024 In-Service activities for the board.
2.6 Other Business
To close the meeting, the board discussed the board agenda for next regular board meeting on September 18, 2024, Dana Stroud stated they will be sending a list of local community events, ShaToyia Bentley announced they will be presenting a letter in October for approval by the Board to be nominated to participate in the Association for Community College Trustees (ACCT) Board, and OSBA nominations/ election timelines were reviewed.
3.0 Adjournment
There being no further business, Chair Diane McKeel motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:39
Roxanne Richardson, Board Executive Assistant
Minutes approved on Oct. 16, 2024 - RR