AR 3310: Records Retention and Destruction
“Records” means all records, maps, books, papers, data processing output, and documents of Mt. Hood Community College which it must retain, including but not limited to records created originally by computer and “electronically stored information” (“ESI”), as that term is defined by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
The vice president of finance and administration shall supervise the classification and destruction of records and ESI. The College must preserve ESI that is relevant to actual or potential litigation pursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The College shall comply with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and produce relevant ESI in the form in which it is ordinarily maintained or readily usable.
Records shall be classified as required by applicable statutes and federal and state regulations.
Mt. Hood Community College shall maintain a public record or accurate copy of a public record in accordance with the retention schedule set out in Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 166, Division 450, without regard to the technology or medium used to create or communicate the record.
Oregon law defines “Public record” as any information that:
- Is prepared, owned, used, or retained by a state agency or political subdivision
Relates to an activity, transaction, or function of a state agency or political subdivision;
Is necessary to satisfy the fiscal, legal, administrative, or historical policies, requirements, or needs of the state agency or political subdivision. - It does not include extra copies of a document, preserved only for convenience of reference; a stock of publications; messages on voice mail or on other telephone message storage and retrieval systems; or spoken communication that is not recorded.
Records will be stored in a location that is reasonably safe from accidental records destruction. Such locations will be known and approved by the vice president of finance and administration. Records may be archived by electronic data retention or electronic imaging, which is considered a permanent record.
Approved: 9/22/09, 5/19/00, 8/29/23
References: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules 16, 26, 33, 34, 37, and 45;
NWCCU Standard 2.C.4
ORS 192.005 to 192.170
ORS 357.805 to 357.845
OAR Chapter 166, Division 450