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AR 3516: Registered Sex Offender Information

The public safety department shall include in its Annual Security Report a statement advising the campus community where information pertaining to registered sex offenders may be obtained.

Sex offenders are required to register in person with the Oregon State Police or the police in the jurisdiction in which they reside, where they were released, or where placed on probation if they are students or if they work at institutions of higher education as employees, contractors, or volunteers within ten days of the first day the person works at, carries on a vocation at or attends an institution of higher education.

Sex offenders who may be required to register should do so at: Oregon State Police: Registering Agencies : Sex Offender Registration (SOR) : State of Oregon

Information concerning registered sex offenders can be obtained from Oregon State Police: Welcome Page: Sex Offender Registration (SOR): State of Oregon.

Approved: 8/29/23

References: 34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 668;
Section 170101(j) Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 and 42 U.S. Code Section 14071(j);
20 U.S. Code Sections 1092(f)(1)(I) and 1232g(b)(7)(A) (Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act)
ORS 163A.005 to 163A.235