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AR 5052: Open Enrollment

All courses, course sections, and classes, offered and maintained by Mt. Hood Community College, shall be open to enrollment in accordance with BP 5052 Open Enrollment and a priority system consistent with AR 5055 Enrollment Priorities.

Enrollment may be subject to any limited entry application and selection process established by the college. Enrollment may be limited to students meeting properly validated placement requirements and prerequisites.

A student may challenge an enrollment limitation on any of the following grounds:

  • The limitation is unlawfully discriminatory or is being applied in an unlawfully discriminatory manner;
  • Mt. Hood Community College is not following its enrollment procedures;
  • The basis for the limitation does not in fact exist.

Students may challenge an enrollment limitation by following the appeals process outlined in AR-3435 for discriminatory practices or by appealing to the vice president of student development for non-discriminatory related appeals.

Approval: 4/18/23
References: No Oregon statutory requirement