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AR 6250: Budget Management

The level of budgetary control, the level at which expenditures cannot legally exceed the appropriated amount for all funds, is established at the function level.

Throughout the budget year, changes in appropriations may become necessary. As prescribed by the Oregon local budget law, appropriations may be increased or decreased, transferred from one appropriation category to another, or new appropriation categories may be created.

Transfers may be made between funds and function classifications by written resolution of the Board of Education and must be approved by a majority of its members.

Transfers within the same fund and function may be made without Board of Education approval.

Revenues in excess of budget are not available for appropriation except by resolution of the Board of Education and in accordance with Oregon local budget law, setting forth the need according to function.

Approved: 9/5/2023
  • NWCCU Standard 2.E.3
  • ORS 294.305 to 294.565 (Local Budget Law)
  • Oregon Department of Revenue “Local Budgeting Manual” (150-504-420)
  • OAR 150, Division 294