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AR 6540: Insurance

The college will maintain a comprehensive insurance portfolio of coverage to include federal and state-mandated insurance requirements. Risk management is responsible for the placement of all insurance policies and may utilize a licensed broker for the procurement of insurance policies. Supplemental policies carried by the program in excess of these requirements may be included in this portfolio and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis based on the need for transferring the risk and limiting the college’s exposure for self-insurance of losses.

The district insurance portfolio includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. General liability
  2. Foreign liability
  3. Broadcaster and publisher liability
  4. Vehicle liability and physical damage
  5. Property coverages
  6. Crime coverage
  7. Fidelity bonds
  8. Professional liability for health professions students
  9. Group accident coverage for intercollegiate athletics (secondary coverage)
  10. Workers’ compensation

Contractors, Lessees, and Events coverage:

All contractors, lessees, and non-college groups wishing to participate in activities on college campuses or sponsor an event, whether they are serving food, beverages, or alcohol, are required to carry coverage and provide proof of insurance in accordance with current liability limitations expressed in the contracts. A certificate of Insurance on a standard accord form is required by the college prior to any activity and will include Mt. Hood Community College as the additional insured and must be secured from a reliable insurance provider. The minimum coverage for any related policy will be $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in aggregate. Other required coverage as identified by law based on operational business requirements are also required and will be designated on the certificate of Insurance.

The risk management department will review and maintain all certificates of insurance to ensure minimum insurance requirements are met and will evaluate for any additional coverage needs based on the associated activities.

Employee benefits, including medical and supplemental personal insurance policies, are maintained by Human Resources.

Approved: 4/20/1993
Revised: 2/23/2010, 9/5/2023
  • ORS 341.290
  • ORS 30.282
  • ORS 341.290(22)