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AR 6750: Parking

These procedures are intended to promote safe and orderly movement of traffic within college property for the safe and orderly parking of vehicles and bicycles.

All applicable provisions of state law governing the operation of motor vehicles are expressly applicable both on and off paved roadways.

Motor Vehicle Regulations and Enforcement
Mt. Hood Community College exercises its authority under Oregon Revised Statute 341.300 to adopt policing, control, and regulation of traffic and parking of vehicles on MHCC property under the jurisdiction of the College. All applicable vehicle laws, codes, and regulations apply on all College campuses and properties. To enforce regulations governing traffic control, public safety officers are appointed as peace officers and have the same authority as other peace officers as defined in ORS 133.005. In addition, public safety officers and other assigned public safety personnel are authorized to enforce parking regulations. Each motor vehicle operator is responsible for knowing the applicable vehicle laws, codes, and regulations, including parking regulations at the College. The college assumes no responsibility or liability for any motor vehicle or its contents while parked or operated on college property. Copies of the parking rules and regulations are available in the public safety office and on the college website.

Temporary Regulations/Instructions
Occasionally special short-term conditions arise that may require suspending a portion of these regulations or may require additional temporary regulations and/or instructions. The manager of public safety is authorized to institute temporary changes as circumstances require. Citations will be issued to persons violating any temporary signs, barricades, or markings.

Where to Park
There are general parking spaces at all campus locations. In addition, the Gresham campus has designated 30-minute, disabled, reserved, vendor, carpool parking, and designated parking for dental clients, as well as areas for loading and unloading. The Bruning Center for Allied Health Education and Maywood Park campuses also have limited parking. Parking is available on a first-come/first-served basis. Vehicle operators are responsible for locating a legal parking space.


  • Parking is permitted only in designated parking spaces.
  • Disabled parking is available at all campuses. All persons with state-issued disabled permits may use disabled parking spaces. Valid permits must be displayed. Disabled permits may be obtained through the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles.
  • The President’s Office is responsible for issuing permits for reserved spaces.
  • Parking in electric vehicle parking is only for hybrid and electric vehicles actively using the parking space for charging a vehicle. Only electric vehicle charging stations shall be used for the charging of electric vehicles.
  • Vendors and contractors must use general parking available in all lots first come/first served. Special parking arrangements can be made by contacting the public safety office.
  • Loading and unloading zones are for the specific use of loading and unloading only and are limited to the time posted at the zones, except authorized campus maintenance service vehicles.
  • Designated motorcycle and scooter parking is available on the Gresham campus. These vehicles may also park in any other properly designated parking space.
  • Overnight parking is allowed only for current employees and students for college-related activities by special arrangement with the public safety office or for visitors at special events if included in the event contract.
  • Stopping or parking a vehicle, whether occupied or not, in non-designated parking spaces is prohibited unless actively engaged in loading or unloading property or passengers.
  • The primary or transitional registered owner, as recorded by the Department of Motor Vehicles, of a motor vehicle utilizing college properties is responsible for any MHCC citation issued to the motor vehicle.

Traffic Enforcement
Public safety officers monitor MHCC properties using various methods and enforce applicable traffic laws, codes, regulations, and parking rules. Public safety officers may stop a person as authorized under ORS 131.605 to 131.625 to enforce regulations governing traffic control and are authorized to request a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. Public safety officers conduct traffic stops by signaling with warning light equipment mounted on public safety vehicles. If the warning light does not catch the attention of the vehicle operator, the officer will sound the horn or siren. Persons attempting to elude the public safety officer will be served the appropriate citation at the first available opportunity.

Violations and Sanctions
It will be considered a violation of district regulations for the operator of any motor vehicle to do any of the following:

Violations sanctioned with a fine:

  • Alter, damage, or move college traffic signs, markings, or signal devices
  • Cause excessive vehicle noise or unreasonable sound amplification from a vehicle
  • Drive a vehicle not registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles
  • Drive or park on any sidewalk or walkway, except for authorized service vehicles or motorized scooters driven by individuals with disabilities
  • Drive the wrong way on street
  • Drive without holding a valid driver’s license or without vehicle insurance
  • Fail to display a valid parking permit
  • Fail to obey proper traffic requests or directions of public safety officers, emergency coordinators and designees
  • Fail to obey traffic control devices / signs
  • Fail to observe temporary parking, route, and detour signs
  • Fail to yield right of way to vehicles
  • Fail to yield right-of-way to pedestrians
  • Fail to yield to an emergency vehicle
  • Make improper turns
  • Operate a motor vehicle at a speed on college roadways in excess of 15 miles per hour
  • Operate a motor vehicle in an unsafe or dangerous manner
  • Operate a vehicle in a restricted or closed area
  • Park in a manner as to take two or more parking spaces or not within the lines of a designated space
  • Park in a manner that obstructs traffic or blocks another vehicle, street or building entrance or exit so as to impede ingress or egress
  • Park in a posted special permit restricted or designated reserved parking space unless authorized.
  • Park in any space marked “service vehicles” only, except for authorized service vehicles
  • Park in a crosswalk or wheelchair ramp
  • Park in or block a fire access lane or along red curb
  • Park in or block any loading zone for more than time limit posted
  • Park in striped zones
  • Park or leave a vehicle where prohibited by signs or markings
  • Park or operate a motor vehicle in “No Parking” areas or areas not designated for parking or driving, including any unpaved or landscaped area
  • Park overtime in any time limited space
  • Provide false or misrepresented information to a public safety officer
  • Violate any State of Oregon vehicle code provision
  • Parking in a space designated for electric vehicle charging while not actively charging an electric vehicle
  • Park a vehicle in a posted or designated handicap space without a valid permit or failure to display handicap permit as described in Oregon Revised Statutes

Violations sanctioned with a boot and/or fine:

  • Failure to display license plates and/or the vehicle information number (VIN) is covered
  • Individuals who have three or more unpaid citations in an academic year

Violations sanctioned by fine and towing and impound, at vehicle owner’s expense:

  • Park blocking temporary reserved areas when scheduled for use
  • Park motor homes, trailers, boats, or any vehicle on campus for purpose of habitation or storage
  • Vehicles parked and/or left unattended anywhere on college property that impedes traffic, or fulfills one of the following conditions:
    • Blocks or partially blocks a service driveway, fire lane, red curbing, or roadway
    • Restricts pedestrian and wheelchair routes
    • Parked in a hazardous manner
    • Any situation that presents a safety concern
  • Abandon a motor vehicle or parts of a vehicle on College property over 5 calendar days

Other Sanctions

  • Violations may be referred to local law enforcement agencies for possible criminal charges.
  • Individuals who have been found guilty of three or more violations for the same offense will be charged an additional fine for the third violation and each violation thereafter. This will be in addition to the standard fine for the violation of which they are found guilty.
  • If any fines remain unpaid, a hold may be placed on student records until all citations and/or charges are paid.
  • In cases of repeated infractions or violations of such a magnitude as to constitute a serious hazard to people or college property, public safety officers will notify the following officials who should follow up with administrative actions as appropriate:

a. Student violators will be referred to the coordinator of community standards, care, and retention;

b. Employee violators will be referred to the appropriate vice president.

Fine amounts will be approved by the college president and are available for review in the public safety office.

All motorized vehicles operated or parked in violation of these regulations will be cited. Citation fees will be approved by the president. Parking citations will be placed on vehicle windshields. Parking citations are the responsibility of the registered owner.

Payment of Fines
Fines are to be paid online at or in person at:

Mt Hood Community College
Student HUB (AC2253)
26000 SE Stark Street
Gresham, OR 97030

Checks are not accepted for the payment of parking violations. Failure to pay or appeal the citation within 14 calendar days will result in doubling of fine. Fines not paid within 90 calendar days may be turned over to a collection agency.

Citation Appeals
Citations may be appealed within 14 calendar days of issuance. Citations not appealed within 14 calendar days of issuance will not be reviewed by the citation review committee and the penalty will be considered delinquent. Instructions for appealing citations are printed on the citations.

The citation hearings committee will meet on the first Wednesday of every month. The committee will be composed of one student member, one full-time faculty, one part-time faculty or tutor, one classified staff, one confidential staff and one manager. Committee members will be appointed by the appropriate association president and/or the appropriate vice president and will serve for one fiscal year or until replaced. Each association president will also appoint alternate committee members. The manager of public safety or designee will serve as the committee's facilitator.

The committee will review all written petitions filed by violators. The committee will also hear any violator who wishes to appear in person. The committee, by a majority vote of the members or alternates present, will adjudicate the citation. The committee may not increase the amount of the penalty or fine. Three members or alternates present will constitute a quorum. The committee’s decision will be considered as final and is not subject to appeal.

Booting, Towing and Impounding Policy and Fees

Any vehicle found parked on college property that has three or more unpaid citations may be booted. A vehicle boot is an immobilization device that attaches to the wheel of a vehicle and will prevent it from being driven. Attaching the boot will not cause damage unless the driver attempts to drive with the boot still attached. The boot will be removed only when all fines are paid. An additional charge will be assessed to remove the boot. A vehicle may also be booted if it does not have license plates and/or the vehicle identification number (VIN) is covered.

The college reserves the right to tow and impound vehicles parked and/or left unattended anywhere on college property that impedes traffic or fulfills one of the following:

  • The vehicle is parked in a manner that violates college parking regulations;
  • The vehicle is parked in a manner which is dangerous to vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic;
  • The vehicle restricts pedestrian and/or wheelchair routes;
  • The vehicle blocks or partially blocks a service driveway, fire lane, red curbing and/or roadway;
  • The vehicle is found parked in a hazardous manner;
  • The vehicle presents a safety concern.

The college also reserves the right to tow any vehicle blocking a reserved area or is deemed to have been abandoned for five calendar days unless prior arrangements are made with the public safety office. A warning will be issued after the vehicle is abandoned for 24 hours. All towing and impound fees will be the responsibility of the vehicle’s owner. To determine if a vehicle has been towed, the owner can contact the public safety office.

Approved: 5/17/94

Revised: 8/11/98, 7/20/04, 8/9/11, 10/17/23


  • ORS 341.300
  • ORS 133.005