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BP 6800: Occupational Safety

The President shall establish administrative regulations to ensure the safety of employees and students on the college's sites, including the following:

  • Compliance with the United States Department of Transportation regulations implementing the Federal Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991.
    • Specifically, the college shall comply with the regulations of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and, if applicable, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). 
    • Compliance with these policies and procedures may be a condition of employment.
  • Establishment of an Injury and Illness Prevention Program in compliance with applicable OSHA regulations and state law. These procedures shall promote an active and aggressive program to reduce or control safety and health risks.
  • Establishment of a Hazardous Material Communications Program, which shall include review of all chemicals or materials received by the college for hazardous properties, instruction for employees and students on the safe handling of such materials, and proper disposal methods for hazardous materials.
  • Establishment of an Integrated Pest Management Plan that designates an Integrated Pest Management Plan Coordinator and includes a list of low-impact pesticides for pest control. The plan shall emphasize the least possible risk to students, employees, and community members.

Adopted: 3/8/06

Revised: 6/8/11

29 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 1910.101 et seq.;
49 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 40 and 655;
ORS 654 (Oregon Safe Employment Act)
ORS 634 (Oregon State Pesticide Control Act)