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AR 7700: Whistleblower Protection

Individuals are encouraged to report suspected incidents of unlawful activities by Mt. Hood Community College employees in the performance of their duties. Reports will be investigated promptly and appropriate remedies applied. 

When a person makes a good-faith report of suspected unlawful activities to an appropriate authority, the report is known as a protected disclosure. College employees and applicants for employment who make a protected disclosure are protected from retaliation. A college employee or applicant whose family member makes a protected disclosure is also protected from retaliation.

Any employee who believes they have been subjected to or affected by retaliatory conduct for (1) reporting suspected unlawful activity, or (2) for refusing to engage in activity that would result in a violation of law, should report such conduct to the appropriate supervisory personnel (if such supervisory personnel is not the source of or otherwise involved in the retaliatory conduct). Any supervisory employee who receives such a report, or who otherwise is aware of retaliatory conduct, is required to advise their college president. If the allegations of retaliation, or the underlying allegations of unlawful conduct involve the president, the supervisor shall report to the highest-level administrator or Board of Education member who is not implicated in the reports of unlawful activity and retaliation.

All allegations of retaliation shall be investigated promptly and with discretion, and all information obtained will be handled on a "need to know" basis. At the conclusion of an investigation, as appropriate, remedial or disciplinary action will be taken where the allegations are verified or otherwise substantiated.

Employees who have information regarding possible violations of state or federal statutes, rules, or regulations, or violations of fiduciary responsibility by a corporation or limited liability company to its shareholders, investors, or employees should contact human resources.

Approved:  3/28/2023
  • 29 U.S. Code Section 218C (Affordable Care Act)
  • ORS 659A.199 to 659.236
  • OAR Chapter 839, Division 10