International Students Policies
It is important to maintain your F-1 student visa requirements while in the U.S. Failure to do so could lead to removal from the U.S. (deportation). Here you'll find policies to keep your visa current.
F-1 Student Visa Registration Policies
- Register by the Sunday before the term starts for 12 credits (with a minimum of 8 credits of on-campus classes). If you are a current student, your bill will have to be paid in full before you can register.
- Any schedule changes (adding/dropping classes) must take place the first week of the term and keep you enrolled full-time (see above for specific requirements).
- After the first week of the term, a hold will be put on your account which will prevent you from making schedule changes without first speaking to the international student office.
- There will be periodic checks throughout the term to make sure you are maintaining the full-time requirement. If we find you have dropped or failed a class which puts you below 12 credits, your visa may be terminated.
- In order to take a vacation term, please notify the international student office of your intent before the term starts so we can verify you are eligible. We may require you to register for the term following your vacation term if registration is open (i.e., register for fall term before taking summer as vacation term)
- If you have your own health insurance and want it reviewed for a possible waiver, you must provide the information about your coverage to the international student office by the end of the first week of the term. Otherwise the waiver will not be considered until the following term.
Have questions? Please email the international student program office.