Childcare and Family Resources
Child development and family support (CDFS) programs provide services to low-income expectant parents and families of children from birth to five years old, or who are eligible. The Head Start and Early Head Start programs include care, early learning programs, home visits, family support, and parent-child activities. We promote school readiness activities, health and nutrition education, community service, volunteering, and parent-involvement opportunities.
MHCC Head Start Office
10100 E Prescott St.
Portland, OR 97220
Open: Monday - Friday
Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Head Start and Early Head Start Programs
Mt. Hood Community College Head Start and Early Head Start serves low-income families with young children who live in East Multnomah County, including the Parkrose, David Douglas, Centennial, Gresham-Barlow, Reynolds, and Corbett school districts. Certain programs are offered to working parents and parents who are MHCC students. Call 503-491-6111 or fill out an interest form to apply.
Harvest for Healthy Kids
Harvest for Healthy Kids began in the Head Start program with support from the School of Community Health at Portland State University. The program promotes healthy eating habits in early childhood. Every month, the menu at our sites features a different fruit or vegetable and the produce is sent to the classrooms for learning activities. Examples include apples, beets, cauliflower, asparagus, melons, and more.
Childcare Resource and Referral
Child Care Resource and Referrals (CCRR) of Multnomah County is the non-profit, state-designated resources and referral agency serving Multnomah County. This program links child-care providers with families seeking quality care. They also offer services to parents, providers, and the community. Our offices are open Monday through Friday. Call 503-491-6111 to schedule a meeting today!