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Steps to Apply for Admission

Option 1

Take Courses to Earn a Degree, Certificate, or Transfer to a University

At Mt. Hood Community College you'll work with qualified faculty and staff while saving on tuition costs. With more than 120 professional programs and many different certificate and transfer options, MHCC offers a wide range of educational opportunities to shape a path toward your unique life goals.

I am or will be:

  • Step 1: Complete the general admission application online. Required if you have not attended in the last year.
  • Step 2: When prompted, select “Yes” in the drop-down menu for the question “Have you taken College Now dual credit, credit recovery, community education, or previously attended Mt. Hood Community College?”
  • Step 3: After completing your application, you will receive an email from the MHCC admissions office.
  • Step 5: Meet with an advisor to create an academic plan, and register for classes through your MyMHCC account.
  • Step 6: Arrange for payment. Learn about payment options.

Please be aware that some programs, such as our nursing program require additional steps for full admission into these programs. Speak with an advisor if you are interested in these programs.

Questions? Email the admissions office.

Please be aware that some programs, such as our nursing program require additional steps for full admission into these programs. Speak with an advisor if you are interested in these programs.

Questions? Email the admissions office.

  • Step 1: Pay admission fee
  • Step 2: Complete the international student application online.
  • Step 3: After completing your application, someone from the MHCC international students program office will email you.
  • Step 4: Provide a financial statement, affidavit of support, and official supporting financial documents/verifications.
  • Step 5: Arrange for payment. Learn about payment options.
Please be aware that some programs require additional steps for full admission into these programs. Speak with an advisor if you are interested in these programs.

Questions? Email the international student program office.

Option 2

Earn College Credit While in High School or Home Schooled

The high school services program includes many options to meet your academic goals. Whether you’re a current high school student seeking dual credit, a homeschooled student wanting to earn college credit, or a student looking to earn credit towards a technical program, Mt. Hood Community College is here for you.

I am interested in:

MHCC has several programs and processes in this category. Learn more about high school services and see the many ways to take classes.   
Questions? Email high school services.

Questions? Email the College Now program office.

Option 3

Earn a GED® Certificate

MHCC works to serve the needs of students from all educational backgrounds. If you want to earn a GED® certificate, MHCC has the services to support you. The adult basic education (ABE)/GED® program offers classes in both Spanish and English to help you grow in the language arts, math, science, and social studies in preparation for the GED® tests, life skills, and your future career.

I am or will be:

  • Step 1: Complete the general admissions application online.
  • Step 2: Fill out the adult basic skills application.
  • Step 3: After completing your application, you will receive a confirmation email with your orientation date and time.
  • Step 4: Attend the mandatory, one-day, ABE/GED® in-person orientation. You must attend the orientation to get registered.
  • Step 5: Sign up for classes.
Questions? Email the admissions office.

Option 4

Take Classes for Skills-Based Training, Professional Development, or Personal Growth 

At Mt. Hood Community College we are here to help you reach your goals beyond just the classroom. If you want to learn a new life skill, earn employee training, or grow in areas of personal development, we offer a variety of programs to help you succeed.

I am interested in:

Learn more about community education courses at MHCC.

  • Step 1: Attend an information session (group or individual session).
  • Step 2: View degrees and certificates in the course catalog.
    • Filter your search results and program length to see short-term certification options:
      • Checkboxes: One to two terms (three to six months)
      • Checkbox: Three to four terms (nine to 12 months)
  • Step 3: Complete the MHCC career pathway application.
  • Step 4: Take a reading assessment (some programs also require a math assessment).
  • Step 5: Complete a one-to-one interview with a career pathways specialist.
  • Step 6: Complete a tuition assistance application.
Questions? Email the career pathways specialist or student resource specialist.

  • Step 1: Call the office at 503-491-7333 or 503-491-7675 (Español) to schedule a reading placement test.
  • Step 2: Attend an orientation.
  • Step 3: Start classes.
Questions? Email the admissions office.

Take the next step with Mt. Hood Community College