Painters/Drywall Finishers/Traffic Control Painters
MHCC partners with the Regional Training Center to offer apprentice programs as painters, drywall finishers, and traffic control painters.
Your future as a painter
Painters prepare and paint many surfaces in commercial, industrial, and residential environments. They must be skilled with a wide range of hand and power tools, depending on the type of surface. The work is challenging and diverse!
Your future as a drywall finisher
Drywall finishing is the art of preparing gypsum board walls and ceilings for final decoration and painting. This requires taping and finishing the seams in sheets of drywall with a high degree care. Drywall finishers work on the floor, ladders, scaffolding, and stilts.
Your future as a traffic control painter
Traffic control painters apply and remove pavement signage and striping. The work is outside and seasonal and requires extensive travel throughout Oregon. Hours may include working at night. It’s an important role that requires skill, good time management, and schedule flexibility.
Want to learn more about how you can achieve a career as a painter or drywall finisher? We’re happy to help. Please email questions to MHCC Apprenticeship Advisor Howard Mitchell.
Contact the Regional Training Center
Learn more about the Regional Training Center
Jed Hartley
Regional Training Center Director
13521 NE Whitaker Way
Portland, OR 97230
[email protected]
Fax: 503-258-1767