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woman working on a roof

Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers

MHCC partners on an apprenticeship with Oregon and SW Washington Roofers and Waterproofers. They are dedicated to training new people entering the industry and they provide ongoing training for those with experience.  

Your Future as a Roofer, Waterproofer, or Allied Worker 

Roofers and waterproofers remove old roofs, prepare and install new roofs, and waterproof foundation walls. Commercial roofs are generally low-pitched and have multiple layers of roofing applied with asphalt, plastic, or rubber. Residential roofs are usually steep, and the roofing material is mainly asphalt shingles, wood shake, slate, or tile. Roofers and waterproofers use hatchets, hammers, pry bars, tin snips, knives, and chalk lines. 

Work is done in all weather conditions. Heights and roof structures vary. Roofers must maintain physical and mental health to lift roofing materials, work in difficult weather, and perform detailed work with a positive attitude. Also, the work may be seasonal. 

Want to learn more about careers in roofing and waterproofing? We’re happy to help. Please email questions to MHCC Apprenticeship Advisor Howard Mitchell. 

Contact the Oregon and SW Washington Roofers and Waterproofers

Learn more about the Oregon and SW Washington Roofers and Waterproofers

Jason Barthel
Oregon and SW Washington Roofers and Waterproofers Director
5032 SE 26th Av.  
Portland, OR 97202

Fax: 503-473-8182 


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