Dental Hygiene
Dental hygiene is a great career choice that is in high demand. The dental hygiene program at Mt. Hood Community College takes seven terms to complete, including clinical hours to give you hands-on experience.
The Experience
Program Details
Your dental sciences courses will include dental hygiene therapy, oral anatomy, pathology, and expanded functions. You will take the national and regional board exams during the program.
Your future
As a dental hygienist, areas of employment open to you include private dental offices or clinics, industrial dental programs, public health, and more. Salaries vary based on your experience and scope of responsibilities.
How To Get Started
The dental hygiene program is a limited-entry program. This means you must meet certain criteria before you can apply. Applicants are selected every fall.
See Students in Action
Learn more about courses and curriculum
The dental hygiene program at MHCC offers in-depth instruction of dental sciences through in-class instruction and clinical experience. Our instructors have years of experience in the dental and dental hygiene profession.
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