Physical Therapist Assistant
As a student of MHCC’s Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) program, you will gain an in-depth knowledge of the body’s muscles, bones, nerves, ligaments, and other systems. You will learn how they work together to keep people moving. PTAs help people with their plan of care, as prescribed by a physical therapist.
The Experience
Program Details
You will spend the first two years in class and lab gaining knowledge and skills. During the second year, you will learn advanced skills to treat complex patients. You will also complete 18 weeks of training in a local clinic or hospital learning one-on-one from a licensed physical therapy professional with real patients.
Your future
When you complete the PTA program at MHCC, you will be prepared to take the National Physical Therapy Exam. This will allow you to practice as a physical therapist assistant in all 50 states.
How To Get Started
The PTA program is a limited-entry program. This means you must meet certain criteria before you can apply. All applicants who meet our criteria are eligible for the program. The program admits 24 students every fall term. If there are more applicants than spots, admission is done by a lottery system.
See Students in Action
Learn more about courses and curriculum
The curriculum for the PTA program spans all systems, especially musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiovascular conditions that affect your patients. You will get hands on practice performing physical therapy treatment in lab and in clinic.
Learn more and begin your journey
Accreditation Information, Financial Aid Fact Sheet, Graduation and Employment Rates
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