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BP 2110: Vacancies on the Board of Education

The Board of Education shall declare the office of a board member vacant if it finds any of the following:

  1. The incumbent has died or resigned.
  2. The incumbent has been removed or recalled from office or the election of the incumbent thereto has been declared void by the judgment of a court.
  3. The incumbent has ceased to be a resident of the district from which the incumbent was nominated or elected.
  4. The incumbent has ceased to discharge the duties of office for two consecutive months unless prevented there from by sickness or other unavoidable cause or unless excused by the chairperson of the Board of Education.

When a vacancy is declared, the remaining Board of Education members shall meet and decide to hold the position open until the next election or appoint a person to fill the vacancy from any of the electors of the district if the position is one filled by both nomination and election at-large, and otherwise from any of the electors of the zone from which the vacancy occurs.

The period of service of a Board of Education member appointed to a vacant position commences upon appointment and expires June 30 next following the next regular district election at which a successor is elected. The successor shall be elected to serve the remainder, if any, of the term for which the appointment was made. If the term for which the appointment was made expires June 30 after the election of the successor, the successor shall be elected to a full term. In either case, the successor shall take office on July 1.

The Presiden shall establish administrative procedures to solicit applications that assure ample publicity to and information for prospective candidates. The Board of Education will determine the schedule and appointment process, which may include interviews at a public meeting.

Adopted: 2/2/17

Revised: 1/19/22

References: ORS 341.335