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AR 3050: Institutional Code of Ethics

Mt. Hood Community College values the trust and confidence of its students, employees, and community. The college gains credibility by adhering to its commitments, displaying honesty and integrity, and acting honorably. The college’s commitment to integrity begins with complying with laws, rules, and regulations and ensuring employees understand them as they apply to their specific roles.

Mt. Hood Community College employees, officers, and agents, irrespective of whether they are compensated for such services (e.g., college administration, staff, faculty, board members, volunteers, and agents of the college), are considered “public officials” per Oregon Ethics Law. Public officials are prohibited from the following:

  1. Financial and/or Personal Gain Using their office for financial and/or personal gain or to avoid a financial and/or personal detriment for themselves or their family members. Family members are considered to be: spouse or partner, children, siblings, spouse or partner of siblings, parents, persons to whom the public official has a legal duty to support, persons to whom the public official provides benefits through the public official’s public employment, and any person who provides benefits to a public official or candidate through the person’s employment.
  2. Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest may exist whenever any action, decision, or recommendation by the public official in their official capacity may lead to the private financial and/or personal gain or avoid a financial and/or personal detriment of the public official, family member of the public official, or a business with which any of the family members as defined in paragraph one (1) above are involved. When a conflict of interest may occur, the public official must provide notification of such conflict of interest and withdraw from any such action.
  3. Gifts Public officials are prohibited from soliciting or accepting directly or indirectly honoraria, rebates, gifts, monies, gratuities, services, promises of contract for a future award, or compensation from any single source that could reasonably be known to have a financial, personal, administrative, or other interest. A gift is defined as something of economic value given to a public official or their family members without payment or other consideration of equivalent value. Gifts may include but are not limited to meals, textbooks for personal use, and trips.

This prohibition does not apply to the receipt of an honorarium, a certificate, plaque, commemorative token, or other items with a value of less than $50, or honoraria received for services performed in relation to the public official’s private profession, occupation, avocation, or expertise.

Respect for Others

The college recognizes employees deserve to work in an environment in which they are treated with dignity and respect and is committed to creating such an environment. This includes:

  • Treating others with dignity and respect
  • Reporting and addressing inappropriate behavior and discriminatory, harassing, and unprofessional conduct
  • Fostering teamwork


Each employee is responsible for knowing and adhering to the principles and standards set forth in this regulation and for raising questions if they are uncertain about this regulation or its application. Concerns and questions may be directed to Human Resources or the vice president of finance and administration.


The college will investigate all reported instances of questionable or unethical behavior. In every instance where improper behavior is found to have occurred, the college will take appropriate action. Retaliation against employees raising genuine ethics concerns in good faith will not be tolerated. Reports may be made to Human Resources or the vice president of finance and administration.

Approved: 9/13/95

Revised: 5/13/98, 5/6/08, 9/22/09, 8/29/23