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AR 3225: Institutional Effectiveness

Mt. Hood Community College stays engaged in a systematic, comprehensive, and meaningful assessment. The results of the assessment are actionable and always used to inform planning and budgeting. The institution undertakes assessments to inquire into and improve student learning, student success, and organizational effectiveness. Assessment is distinct from performance evaluation or faculty review; it is not used to judge individuals but serves to guide unit and/or college innovation and excellence.

Strategic Planning Assessment
Mt. Hood Community College shall publish an annual report on the progress and impact of the completed work. Dashboards with strategic plan key performance indicators as well as progress toward achieving objectives, shall be widely available and updated monthly. Each Unit shall review the Strategic Plan annual report and use its findings to direct and adjust its work to assist the college in achieving its goals and fulfilling its mission.

Unit Self-Reflection
Each college Unit shall complete a Unit Self-Reflection process every three years. A standardized report that highlights the unit’s achievements and mission fulfillment, as well as uncovers opportunities for improvements, is designed to enable and encourage continuous improvement of the unit’s operations and programs. Reports shall be available within the college. A rotating schedule of report due dates shall be maintained. Unit managers are ultimately responsible for conducting a collaborative process of timely report creation.

Student Learning Assessment
Mt. Hood Community College shall assess student learning at the course, program, and institutional levels. Each course, program, and core outcome shall be assessed and reviewed at least once every three years or more in accordance with the regularly updated assessment schedule. Faculty shall have a primary role in the evaluation of student learning outcomes. All chosen improvement actions should be documented in the Unit Plans. Each assessment process shall be reviewed at a minimum once every three years by the Education Assessment Action Team.

Approved:  8/29/23

References:  NWCCU Standard 1.B.1