AR 3300: Public Records
Members of the public may request to inspect or copy public records. A request by a member of the public may be delivered by email, mail or in-person to the Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communications and should include that the request is being made under provisions of the Oregon public records law.
Under Oregon law, Mt. Hood Community College must acknowledge receipt of a written request to inspect or receive copies of public records within five business days. Once acknowledged, Mt. Hood Community College will complete its response to the request as soon as practicable and without unreasonable delay. “Business day” is defined as “a day other than Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday and on which at least one paid employee of the public body that received the public records request is scheduled to and does report to work.” Further, “business day” does not include any day on which the central administration offices of Mt. Hood Community College are closed.
Any request shall identify with reasonable specificity the records that are sought. If additional information is needed, the Associate Vice President of Marketing and Communications may request it is provided in writing.
Any request to inspect records shall be made sufficiently in advance of the date of inspection to allow staff members time to assemble the records and identify any records that may be exempt from disclosure.
The college may require reimbursement of expenses related to responding to the request. A fee/deposit is required of those submitting a public records request.
Records that are exempt from disclosure may not be inspected or copied by members of the public. Social security numbers must be redacted from records before they are disclosed to the public.
References: ORS 192.311 – 192.478
Revised: 4/9/11, 8/29/23