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AR 3810: Claims Against Mt. Hood Community College

All notices of claim, lawsuits, or other types of legal processes may be mailed or presented in person to the following.

Mt. Hood Community College at its principal administrative office:

Mt. Hood Community College
Attention Vice President of Finance and Administration
26000 SE Stark St
Gresham, OR 97030

If another college department receives a notice of claim, lawsuit, or other types of legal process, that department should notify Risk Management.

Claims may include but are not limited to:

  • Property Claims – A loss to Mt. Hood Community College property
  • General Liability Claims - A loss associated with a breach of legal duty (also known as tort claims)
  • Vehicle Claims - A loss to a college, rental, or third-party vehicle

Approved: 8/29/23

References: ORS 30.260 to 30.300: Tort Actions Against Public Bodies