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BP 3515: Reporting of Crimes

The President shall ensure an annual “Clery Act” report is prepared of applicable crimes reported to Public Safety or local police agencies. This report will include applicable crimes committed on campus, on public property within or immediately adjacent to campus, and in or on non-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the institution or by an officially recognized student organization.

The “Clery Act” crimes to be reported include:

  • Criminal Offenses – criminal homicide, sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and arson;
  • Hate crimes – any of the criminal offenses listed above and larceny-theft; simple assault; intimidation; destruction, damage, or vandalism of property;
  • Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Offenses - incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking; and
  • Arrests and referral for disciplinary action – for weapons, drug abuse violations, and liquor law violations.

Such reports shall be made available as required by federal and state law.

Adopted: 2/16/22

References: Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998;
34 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 99.31(a)(13), (14) and 668.46(b);
Campus Security Act of 1990