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AR 4231: Grade Changes

Grade changes may result from an instructor error in calculating a student’s grade, inaccurate recordings, technology miscalculations, and based on findings from a successful appeal through the appropriate processes. Instructors may change grades up to one year after the course has been completed.

The instructor of the course shall determine the grade to be awarded to each student.

The determination of the student's grade by the instructor is final in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence. “Mistake” may include, but is not limited to, errors made by an instructor in calculating a student’s grade and clerical errors. “Fraud” may include, but is not limited to, inaccurate recording or change of a grade by any person who gains access to grade records without authorization.

In the case of fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, the final determination concerning removal or change of grade will be made by the divisional dean.

In all cases, the instructor who first awarded the grade will be given written notice of the change.

Approved: 8/29/23

References: No Oregon law reference