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AR 5013: Active Military Deployment Withdraw

Withdrawal Policies for Members of the Military
In no case may the college require a student who is required to report for military duty to withdraw from a course by a specified date in order to receive a full refund of the tuition and fees the student paid to the college for the academic term in which the student was required to report for military service.

Rights of Student Called to Active Duty
A student who is a member of the military (including the Reserves and U.S. and Oregon National Guard), a member of the commissioned corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or a member of the Public Health Service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services detailed by proper authority for duty with the Army or Navy of the United States, and is called to federal or state active duty for more than 30 consecutive days has the following rights:

Notification of military service. The student (or an appropriate officer of the armed forces or official of the Department of Defense) must give oral or written notice of such service to MHCC Veteran Services as far in advance as is reasonable under the circumstances. This notice does not have to indicate whether the student intends to return to the school and may not be subject to any rule of timeliness 

  • Regarding a course in which the student is enrolled and for which the student has paid tuition and fees, the right to:
    • Withdraw from the course with a refund for paid tuition and fees
    • Receive a grade of incomplete and, upon release from active duty, complete the course in accordance with the College's practice for completion of incomplete courses.
    • Continue and complete the course for full credit.

If the student elects to withdraw from a course in which they were enrolled, MHCC will not:

  • Give the student academic credit for the course from which the student withdraws.
  • Give the student a failing grade or a grade of incomplete or make any other negative annotation on the student’s record; or
  • Alter the student’s grade point average due to the student’s withdrawal from the course.

A student who elects to continue and complete a course for full credit is subject to the following conditions:

  • Course sessions the student misses due to active duty shall be counted as excused absences and may not adversely impact the student’s grade for the course or rank in the student’s class.
  • The student may not be automatically excused from completing course assignments due during the period the student serves on active duty.
  • A letter grade or a grade of pass may be awarded only if, in the opinion of the faculty member teaching the course, the student completes sufficient work and demonstrates sufficient progress toward meeting course requirements to justify the grade

Notification of intent to return to school 

If the student elects to withdraw from the college, the student has the right to be readmitted and reenrolled within three years after release from active duty without a requirement of redetermination of admission eligibility. The student must give written notice of their intent to return to the veterans services by email. A student who is hospitalized or convalescing due to an illness or injury incurred or aggravated during the performance of service must notify the school within two years after the end of the period needed for recovery from the illness or injury.  

A student who fails to apply for readmission within these periods does not automatically forfeit eligibility for readmission but is subject to the school’s established leave of absence policy and general practices  

If the student is reenrolling in a limited entry program and it has been more than one year, they must work with the program to determine starting point to completion. 

The cumulative length of the absence and of all previous absences from the school for military service may not exceed five years. Only the time the student spends actually performing service is counted 


Approval: 4/18/23

Revised: 9/17/24

  • 38 U.S. Code Section 3679
  • ORS 341.499