AR 5210: Communicable Disease - Students
This regulation applies to all Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) locations.
MHCC utilizes the following definition from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) related to student communicable and infectious diseases:
Student communicable and infectious diseases are defined as illnesses caused by germs (such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi) that enter the body, multiply, and can cause an infection. Some infectious diseases are contagious (or communicable), meaning they can spread from one person to another.
Depending on the risk category, low or high, of the communicable disease, the individual’s activities and responsibilities, and the safety risk to others, the college will evaluate whether a possible accommodation is necessary and can be made to enable the individual to continue with their studies or other activities.
If the health status of a student deteriorates enough to interfere with their ability to attend college, the college may request a physician’s exam to establish the safety and appropriateness of attending.
Persons infected with a communicable disease, who qualify as an individual with a disability pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, will not be excluded from participation in or denied benefits of MHCC’s services, programs or educational activities unless individually based medical judgments indicate that exclusion from classes or other restricted activities, is necessary for the health and safety of the individual or members of the college community.
Temporary Exclusion
When there is a question concerning admittance, suspension or removal of a student because the student has a communicable disease or is a carrier or is reasonably suspected of having a communicable disease or of being a carrier, the student may be temporarily excluded for up to 14 days from the college as allowed by the student code of conduct. The coordinator of community standards and care in consultation with the director of risk management, will make the initial and final determination. A student who has been temporarily excluded from the college shall be provided with an opportunity to make up any work missed during the absence.
Subsequent Evaluations
If a student is authorized to remain at the college, the student’s status maybe periodically reevaluated by the coordinator of community standards and care in consultation with the director of risk management to determine whether the student's status continues to be appropriate. The frequency of the reevaluations shall be determined by the coordinator of community standards and care in consultation with the director of risk management.
If such student cannot attend the college, or participate in a particular program, activity or course of study, the student shall be permitted to withdraw without prejudice and receive a tuition refund.
High Risk
- A student who has a communicable disease or who is a carrier of a communicable disease becomes high risk when the disease has a direct effect on the student's ability to perform in a program or course of study or where the student refuses to or is unable to take steps related to self-care and prevent the transmission of the communicable disease.
Low Risk
- A student who has a communicable disease or who is a carrier of a communicable disease may attend the college and participate in programs and activities whenever, through possible accommodation, there is no significant risk of transmission of the disease to others.
The college shall comply with all pertinent statutes and regulations which protect the privacy of persons in the college community, including following all applicable Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) rules and any rules imposed by Oregon law.
Health data relating to students is private data and as such will not be released without permission of the student’s parent or guardian if the student is under 18 years of age or, if over 18 years of age, by the student or as otherwise allowed by the law.
In the event of a communicable disease at MHCC, the college works with notifying the local health department and will follow all local health department recommendations and regulations.
Approved: 6/9/2009Revised: 9/22/2009, 4/9/2010, 4/18/2023
- CDC Diseases and Conditions
- CDC Infectious Disease Framework
- Equal Opportunity Employment Commission: Pandemic Preparedness in the Workplace and the ADA
- Department of Consumer and Business Services: Occupational Safety and Health Division Chapter
- 437- Oregon Occupational Health and Safety Rules
- Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 654 (2021 Edition): Labor, Employment, Unlawful Discrimination, Safety and Health Conditions in Places of Employment