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AR 6200: Budget Preparation

Budget Officer
The college’s vice president of finance and administration shall be the college’s budget officer and is jointly responsible, with the president, for the preparation of the budget and submission of the budget to the college board’s budget committee, the Board of Education and to other agencies as may be required per Oregon local budget Law.

Budget Calendar
Each July, the board will adopt a budget development calendar that identifies activities and sets dates for each step in the budget development process.

Budget Preparation
Each year the annual budget will be developed in a collaborative environment, support the institutional goals established by the board, and be directly or indirectly linked to institutional planning efforts.

Budget Presentation and adoption

  • Proposed Budget – During April, the college president and budget officer will present the proposed budget to the district budget committee. The committee on the proposed budget requires no formal action. Public comment will be available. Notice of the meeting and availability of public comment will be advertised per local budget Law before the meeting.
  • Approved Budget – Prior to May 15, the district budget committee has the opportunity to meet twice to discuss and recommend changes to the proposed budget. Formal action is required by the committee to approve the budget and taxes to be imposed at or before the second meeting. Public comments will be available during these meetings. If the Budget Committee approves the Budget at the first meeting, the second meeting will be canceled. Notice of the budget hearings and availability of public comment will be advertised in accordance with Local Budget Law prior to the hearings.
  • Adopted Budget – As prescribed by the Oregon local budget Law, the board will approve resolutions adopting the budget, setting appropriations and imposing the tax levy no later than June 30. This budget reflects changes made by the district budget committee and provides the operational budget for the fiscal year of adoption. Notice of the approved budget, budget meeting, and availability of public comment will be advertised in accordance with local budget law prior to the meeting.
  • Budget Filing and Levy Certified – As prescribed by the Oregon local budget law, the budget officer will submit the necessary paperwork to Multnomah, Clackamas, and Hood River counties prior to July 15.
Approved: 9/5/23
  • NWCCU (Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities) Standard 2.E.2
  • ORS 294.305 – 294.565
  • Oregon Department of Revenue “Local Budgeting Manual” (150-504-420)
  • OAR 150, Division 294