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AR 6550: Disposal of Property


  • Personal property: Items owned by the college that are not real property or expendable supplies;
  • Excess property: College personal property assigned to a division, department, or area but which is no longer needed by the assignee. These items may be in storage upon being declared excess but are available for use in another unit;
  • Surplus property: College personal property no longer needed by any division, department, or area of the college and subject to disposal process.


Budget unit managers are responsible for determining if an assigned item is excess or surplus property. When an item is no longer needed or usable, the area administrator will complete an Equipment Transfer Form and distribute copies per instructions. A work order should then be submitted to Facilities requesting the item be moved to a new location or the Surplus Property warehouse.

Excess property items will be retained for later use. Surplus property items will be sold to the public in an advertised set price sale, sealed bid, or auction or offered to other public agencies, school districts, and local municipalities. If the surplus property is not sold or accepted, it may then be liquidated for scrap or considered refuse.

An exception to the above procedure is allowed when an item can be used as a trade-in applied to the purchase of other personal property. The Equipment Transfer Form will be completed for any property item used as a trade-in.

All personal property necessary for the fair presentation of audited financial statements will be included in an inventory of fixed assets. Other personal property may be inventoried as required. The inventory will be updated whenever items are transferred to excess, surplus, trade-in and/or disposal. This inventory will be the responsibility of the finance director or designee.

If there is a federal interest in any personal property, appropriate permission must be granted by the federal agency before the property is considered surplus.

Approved: 6/14/1994
Revised:  8/11/1998, 2/25/2004, 9/22/2009, 9/5/2023
  • ORS 341.290(5)
  • ORS 271.300 - 271.360
  • ORS 279A.280