BP 6200: Budget Preparation
Each year, the President shall present a budget to the Board of Education. The schedule for presentation and review of budget proposals shall comply with state law and regulations and provide adequate time for Board of Education study.
Budget development shall meet the following criteria:
- A budget officer shall be appointed annually by the Board of Education.
- The annual budget shall support the entity's master and educational plans.
- Assumptions upon which the budget is based are presented to the Board of Education for review.
- A schedule is provided to the Board of Education in July of each year that includes dates for presentation of the proposed budget, public hearing(s), Board of Education work session(s), and approval of the final budget. At the public hearings, interested persons may appear and address the Board of Education regarding the proposed budget or any item in the proposed budget.
- Changes in the assumptions upon which the budget was based shall be reported to the Board of Education in a timely manner.
- Budget projections address long-term goals and commitments.
Adopted: 4/20/22
NWCCU Standard 2.E.2
ORS 294.305 to 294.565 (Local Budget Law)