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BP 7135: Faculty Outside Employment

Mt. Hood Community College encourages faculty members to engage in outside activities that advance the mission of the College with the expectation that those activities be proactively disclosed, when required by this policy and related regulation, if they would or could present a conflict of interest so they can be managed in a manner that protects integrity, ensures legal compliance, and promotes good stewardship of public resources. Faculty members must avoid outside activities that result in a conflict of commitment to their job duties.

The Board of Education delegates authority to the President to develop standards governing faculty outside employment and activities consistent with current collective bargaining agreements, including disclosure of potential conflicts of interest as required by Oregon ethics law and procedures for reporting and hearing potential or actual conflict of interest complaints. (See also BP/AR 2710).

Adopted:  3/8/06

Revised: 5/18/22

References: ORS 341.556