Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) - After Graduation
The average salary for Emergency Medical Technicians is roughly $37,000 a year. And job outlooks are good as they are expected to grow faster than other job sectors.
Future Careers
MHCC Career Coaches are here to help you explore your career options after graduation. Below are a few common paths graduates can pursue.
Emergency Medical Technician
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) help people in medical emergencies. When you're an EMT, you might ride in an ambulance and rush to places where someone is hurt or sick. Your main job is to give first aid to the person until they can get to a hospital. This could mean bandaging wounds, helping someone breathe, or even using special equipment to restart a heart. EMTs also need to stay calm in stressful situations and work closely with other medical professionals to make sure patients get the best care possible. Being an EMT can be challenging, but it's also rewarding because you get to make a big difference in people's lives when they need help the most.
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