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Fisheries Technology - Program Details

The fisheries technology program at Mt. Hood Community College is the only program of its kind in the state of Oregon. The program has trained skilled fisheries technicians for over 40 years. Many students like you go on to careers with the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife.

Hands-on Learning

In this program you will learn hands-on about spawning and rearing of trout and salmon; monitoring and treatment of fish diseases; sampling fish populations; and conducting related research projects.

Up to a third of the courses take students out in the field. You will travel off-campus to work on projects with local, state, tribal and federal agencies. During the second year of the program you will learn to raise fish in the campus hatchery.

Program Outcomes

After completing this program you'll be able to:

  • Evaluate and manage fisheries.
  • Develop and apply basic fisheries principles to raise a variety of aquatic species.
  • Design, conduct, and present fisheries-related research.
  • Apply basic biological principles to the study of fish.
  • Apply basic statistical processes to the analysis of fisheries data.
  • Discuss current issues impacting the field of natural resources.
  • Conduct and record stream surveys.

Courses and Curriculum

The degree mixes classroom study, field training, site visits, and work at the Mt. Hood Community College hatchery over six terms, taking a full-time student two years to complete.

Explore the Course Curriculum

Your Future in Fisheries

The skills taught at Mt. Hood Community College make graduates valuable for many positions in the field. If you love the outdoors, and you want to make a positive contribution in the care and management of fish resources, this program is for you.

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