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History - Program Details

When you major in History, you learn to think critically about the past and gain a better understanding of how we got to where we are today. You may even be able to use lessons from the past to predict future events.

Studying the Past

The MHCC History program teaches you how to study past events and changes over time. You learn more about who we are, where we come from, and even where we are possibly headed.

Program Outcomes

After completing this program you'll be able to:

  • Identify and analyze major events and developments of significant cultures and civilizations and the interrelationships of selected social, cultural, political, economic, and geographic systems.
  • Recognize the effects of historical events upon subsequent issues, situations, and different interpretations of historical events.
  • Demonstrate basic competence in and discuss the effects of geography on historical events.
  • Use basic tools of historical inquiry - especially the practice of finding evidence, weighing its importance and validity, and applying it to a historical problem.

Courses and Curriculum

Most of the courses available can easily be transferred to a four-year institution so you can go on to earn your bachelor’s degree if you choose to do so. Work with an advisor to make sure you are taking the right classes.

Explore the Course Curriculum

Your Future

Many jobs in the field of History require you to have a bachelor’s degree. Once you complete your associate degree at MHCC, you can transfer to one of our partner schools to complete your bachelor’s. These four-year institutions include:

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