Students at graduation

Sterile Processing Technician - After Graduation

After completing the sterile processing technician course from Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC), your job prospects post-graduation are very high. These positions are in demand.

Future Careers

MHCC Career Coaches are here to help you explore your career options after graduation. Below are a few common paths graduates can pursue.

Sterile Processing Technicians

As a sterile processing technician, your daily tasks will include operating and maintaining steam autoclaves, keeping records of loads completed, items in loads, and maintenance procedures performed. You will also be responsible for cleaning instruments to prepare them for sterilization.

Surgical Technologists

As a surgical technologist, you will be responsible for counting sponges, needles, and instruments before and after an operation, scrubbing arms and hands, and assisting the surgical team in scrubbing and putting on gloves, masks, and surgical clothing. The sterile processing technician course will help to prepare you for further coursework in this program.

Medical Assistants

As a medical assistant, you will record patients' medical history, vital statistics, or information such as test results in medical records and explain treatment procedures, medications, diets, or physicians' instructions to patients. The sterile processing technician course will help to prepare you for further coursework in this program.

Learn more with MHCC's Career coach

Job Boards

Here are places to search for current openings at organizations that hire for your skill set.

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