Attendance Policy
Attending and being engaged in class is critical to your success as a student. Here’s what you need to know about MHCC’s attendance policy.
Mandatory Attendance
Student attendance is mandatory the first week of a class. Attending the first class meeting is critical to starting the class well, and required by many instructors. Students who do not attend class during the first week will be recorded by the instructor as a non-attending student and will be administratively dropped by the Admissions, Registration, and Records Office.
What counts as attendance?
Attendance is defined as an academically-related activity which includes any of the following:
- Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students.
- Submitting an academic assignment.
- Taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction.
- Attending a study group that is assigned by the institution.
- Participating in an online discussion about academic matters.
- For distance education courses (e.g. web sections), contributing to an online discussion or initiating contact within the course management system with a faculty member to ask a course-related question.
Students who stop attending classes after the first week are responsible to ensure a drop or withdrawal is processed online or in the Admissions, Registration, and Records Office. No refund will normally be issued for any classes dropped after the refund period. To request to be added back to a class that you were dropped for non-attendance, please reach out to your instructor for permission.