Graduation and Commencement FAQ
Graduation refers to receiving a certificate or degree once a student has satisfied all certificate or degree requirements as verified by the admissions, records, and registration office. After the verification process, the certificate or degree is printed, mailed, and posted to the student’s Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) record. The mailing and posting process for spring term certificates and degrees usually takes six to eight weeks after term grades are recorded.
Commencement is a ceremony that allows students, family, and friends to celebrate the student’s academic accomplishments. Participation in the ceremony does not mean the student has graduated and students do not receive their certificate or degree at the ceremony.
You must fill out an application in order to be evaluated for the certificate or degree and to then receive the certificate or degree, if eligible.
If you are graduating with an MHCC cumulative GPA of 3.65 or higher as of the winter term before the commencement ceremony, you qualify to graduate with honors. Honors regalia may be purchased from Rho Theta. Students do not need to be members to purchase honor cords.
Members of Phi Theta Kappa honor society must have an MHCC cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher as of the winter term before the commencement ceremony to wear Phi Theta Kappa honors regalia.
You can order directly from the Phi Theta Kappa store by using your membership number to log into the website www.ptk.org, or you can buy regalia through Rho Theta, MHCC’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa and save some money on shipping.
Rho Theta is a student-run organization, so office hours are limited, but the Rho Theta office in the library will be staffed with additional hours for regalia sales. Regalia sales will be held in early May, and the regalia will be available on a first come, first served basis until all items have been sold. The sales schedule will be sent by email to Rho Theta members who have applied for graduation.
Learn more about the Rho Theta Honor SocietyIf you have applied for graduation, you will be sent a letter with detailed information for ordering your cap and gown.
ASMHCC Cap and Gown Program:
The Associated Students of Mt. Hood Community College (ASMHCC) provide caps and gowns to students for free on a limited basis. The cap and gown rental program was established by the ASMHCC to assist MHCC students who cannot afford to purchase a cap and gown for graduation. Students MUST return their gowns to help future students in need and keep the program sustainable. The cap and tassel can be kept by students; they are not required to be returned. If you have questions, please email Rozina Lethe.