Students walking outside on campus

Transportation Resources

We can offer students regular assistance with TriMet fare. To get assistance with paying for the bus, train, or street car:

  1. Pick up a new HOP card in the student basic needs office, located in the student services hub. We can also help you see if a HOP card you already have is compatible with our system. 
  2. Complete a request form at the student basic needs office to add tickets to your card or email [email protected]. In your request, please provide your name, student ID, how many days/week you ride TriMet, and what kind of fare you use (Adult, Youth, Honored Citizen/Low-Income). 

Once you have your HOP card, we can load passes onto it remotely. Please allow up to three business days for your tickets to be loaded onto your card. We also have a limited number of paper Trimet tickets available on an emergency basis. Stop by the student union for a ticket.

Additional Community Resources

There are also community resources that you may qualify for.  


Honored Citizen Fares offer reduced fares for seniors 65+, people on Medicare, people with disabilities, and people who qualify based on income.

If you participate in any of the following, you may also qualify for reduced fare:

  • Oregon Health Plan (OHP)/Medicaid
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Free and Reduced Price Lunch
  • HUD Housing Choice Voucher
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
  • Employment Related Daycare
  • Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Rural Multnomah County

Rural Multnomah County Dial-A-Ride serves all Multnomah County residents residing in or traveling to rural parts of the county (outside Trimet's service area). This is a free service in conjunction with Ride Connection. More information about Ride Connection is below. 

Accessible Options

LIFT Paratransit is TriMet’s shared-ride service for people who are unable to use regular buses and trains due to a disability or disabling health condition.

Ride Connection is a community organization that links accessible, responsive transportation alternatives with individual and community needs. Ride Connection’s services are designed primarily for older adults (typically 65+) and people with disabilities. Please note that riders must arrange their rides at least three business days before the day of their ride to facilitate screening and scheduling. Call the service center at 503-226-0700 for more information.

PDX WAV is a program of the city of Portland that allows people with disabilities to access an accessible on-demand vehicle (taxi, Uber, Lyft) with drivers who have received extra training including passenger assistance and safety and sensitivity training. Request a ride by calling PDX WAV at 503-865-4928. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.