Returned Checks
Returned Check Penalty
A $20 charge and all collection fees, including court costs and attorney fees, will be charged to the student account on returned checks of any nature, including insufficient funds and stop payment, whether written by the student or another party.
Loss of Privileges
After the college has received two returned checks, all future transactions must be made by cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. Personal checks will not be accepted, whether written by the student or another party. This restriction will remain on the students' account for two years from the date the returned check and associated collection fees are paid in full. If the college receives a third returned check, the restriction remains on the students account indefinitely.
Any returned check intended as payment of a student account, will be considered as non-payment and subject to the conditions listed in the billing policies section. If a returned check was used to pay off a previous debt to register for the current term, the student will be administratively dropped from the current term.
Tuition and Fees
MHCC is here to help you understand and pay your tuition and fees.