Grading Information
Grade | Grade Point Average | ||
A | Excellent: four points for each credit hour | S | Satisfactory: zero points per credit hour |
B | Above Average: three points for each credit hour | I | Incomplete: zero points per credit hour |
C | Average: two points for each credit hour | K | Continuing Progress: zero points per credit hour |
D | Below Average: one point for each credit hour | X | Audit: zero points per credit hour |
F | Failing: zero points for each credit hour | W | Withdrawal: zero points per credit hour |
U | Unsatisfactory: zero points per credit hour | NR | Not received from instructor |
Understanding your grades and how the grading scale works is an important key to student success. Grades are assigned based on work completed at the end of the scheduled class time. Additional work or makeup work after the end date of the class is not justified unless an incomplete was assigned.
U, S, I, K, X, W, and NR are not included in GPA calculations.
A student may be assigned an Incomplete (I) when insufficient work to justify a grade is not complete due to circumstances outside of their control. It is at the discretion of the instructor and students commonly have 75% of the course completed. The work to complete the course and receive a grade is between the instructor and the student.
Incompletes need to be made up before the end of the following term unless the student is no longer enrolled. Under these circumstances, the work must be made up in the term of the return with only a four-quarter maximum (including summer) permitted. Incompletes not made up within this time will move to an F grade.
K Grade
A continuing progress (K) grade means that a student was signed up for the course, attended class, and met some of the objectives but did not advance far enough to complete to receive credit. This grade designation is limited to developmental education courses and open entry/open exit courses (where the student is permitted to proceed at one's own pace). A student who receives a K grade must sign up again, repay, and pass the class to receive credit. The K grade remains on the transcript. A student completing a developmental education course may receive a K grade up to two times for the same course and may only take the course a third time with the recommendation of the developmental education instructor and the associate vice president of career development and enrollment services.
Pass/Fail Option
Certain courses offer the student an option to receive a grade of satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U) instead of a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F). This option must be exercised at the time of registration or no later than the end of the seventh week of instruction for standard term-length classes. Check with the admissions and records office for the last day to change the grading status for non-standard term-length classes.
S and U Grade
For evaluation and transferability purposes, the S grade is equal to a grade of C or better. The U grade is equal to a grade of D or lower.
Audit Option
Students electing to audit a class (no grade, no credit) must choose this option at the time of registration or no later than the end of the seventh week of instruction for standard term-length classes. Check with the admissions and records office for the last day to change the grading status for non-standard term-length classes. Auditing students pay according to the tuition schedule and participate to a degree determined by them and the instructor.
GPA Adjustment
A student may receive a GPA adjustment when a course has been repeated for a higher grade. Both courses must have been taken at MHCC and the first course must have been completed during the spring term of 1985 or later. Only one GPA adjustment per course will be accepted. A course previously passed, when repeated, does not count toward graduation. For GPA adjustments processed on courses taken before the summer of 1996, both the term and cumulative GPA are adjusted. For GPA adjustments processed on courses during the summer of 1996 or after, only the cumulative GPA is adjusted.
If both courses were taken in summer 1996 or later, the GPA adjustment is automatically calculated when the new grade is posted unless the course is a course you can repeat for credit. Contact the admissions and records office to learn more.