Chrysler MCAP - FAQ
Do you still have questions about the program, careers after graduation, or how to get started? Take a look at the frequently asked questions or talk with an advisor to get the help you need.
Frequently Asked Questions
Normally, the Chrysler MCAP program takes two years of full-time study. Some students take longer because tthey need more time to take general education courses such as math, writing, health, etc.
In addition to an associate degree, if you complete the Chrysler MCAP program you’ll graduate with hands-on experience at a Chrysler dealership. You'll also be able to:
- Demonstrate safe shop practices and hazardous material handling.
- Diagnose and repair electrical systems.
- Diagnose and repair engine performance systems.
- Diagnose and repair emission systems.
- Diagnose and repair internal combustion engine systems.
- Diagnose and repair automatic transmission and transaxle systems.
- Diagnose and repair manual drivetrain and axles systems.
- Diagnose and repair brake systems.
- Diagnose and repair automotive steering and suspension systems.
- Diagnose and repair automotive heating and air conditioning systems.
- Perform minor vehicle services.
All auto program students are hired/sponsored as part of the admittance process and maintain employment at their sponsoring repair facility for the entire 2-year program. Program instructors work with applicants to obtain employment. Students admitted to the program often are already hired by their dealership sponsor or receive employment by the time they graduate from the program.
Students must meet the application requirements by course placement or completed coursework. If you are not an MHCC student, use our transfer course equivalency tool to see if your courses from other colleges apply!
Yes, the automotive classes must be taken in the order prescribed in the catalog. General education courses (such as math, writing, health, etc.) can be taken during any term, or before starting the program. Talk to an academic advisor to plan your classes.
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Have questions about the Chrysler MCAP Program?
Read Chrysler MCAP Frequently Asked Questions