Students in lecture hall

Medical Office Management - Program Details

When you complete the medical office management program, you will earn a degree and graduate with the skills necessary to oversee a health care facility. You will learn how to lead people and manage office operations.

Manage People and Process

In the medical office management degree you will learn all about managing processes and staff in a medical setting. This includes hard skills like medical terminology and office procedures. It also includes the soft skills needed to be an effective people manager.

Program Outcomes

After completing this program you'll be able to:

  • Discuss the roles of the health care team members, elements of successful leadership, and problem-solving strategies.
  • Describe medical terminology, including disease processes and pharmacology.
  • Differentiate verbal and nonverbal communication, including gender differences, cultural awareness and sensitivity, and the elements of speaking and listening.
  • Describe the management principles required in a medical office.
  • Compare and contrast the billing and coding elements.
  • Complete a professional résumé.
  • Describe job searches and correct interview techniques.

Courses and Curriculum

You will take classes to develop your computer skills, improve your communication, and learn all about medical office procedures. You should have basic computer skills before enrolling in classes in this program. If you want to improve your computer skills before beginning this program, you are encouraged to enroll in BCS090 Computer Basics for College Success. This is a free course offered through the learning success center.

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Your Future in the Medical Office

Future careers in this field include office support, insurance claim clerk, medical secretary, office manager, and more.

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