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Oregon State University

Oregon State University’s (OSU) degree partnership program (DPP) is your pathway to completing a degree faster and at a lower cost. This program allows you to be jointly admitted and enrolled at OSU and MHCC. The program is open to all U.S. citizens working towards their bachelor's degree.

Why choose this degree partnership program?

  • Lower costs at MHCC
  • Work with your MHCC advisor and your OSU advisor at the same time
  • One application and one application fee
  • Financial aid counts enrollment at both schools for the same term (for qualified students)
  • Take up to 10 consecutive terms at MHCC and remain active as an OSU student
  • Increased flexibility in scheduling with access to more classes through MHCC, on-site at OSU, and with online courses offered though the  OSU extended campus
  • Access to libraries, computer labs, and other services on both campuses (subject to fees)
  • Live on OSU’s campus and buy a campus dining plan
  • Transcripts will be sent from MHCC to OSU at the end of each term to ensure a seamless credit transfer

Note: Graduate students cannot take part in the DPP.

Visit OSU’s website for more information on the DPP.

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Oregon State University Contact

Rick DeBellis
541-737-2790 Student Services Manager for Degree Partnership Programs, Enrollment Management